so here we go: forkbrace is installed!

tkat prescribed a "spirited ride" after installation so that everything could settle and be re-tightened. i promptly obliged.
first impressions after the shake-down on my local back-country twisties:
there’s definitely a loss of comfort as you feel everything more directly. once you get used to this, the frontend feels nice and tight. more precise, the vagueness that previously provided some cushioning is gone. the bike feels a lot more confident.
went out on the highway after this to take some fast sweepers. previously these brought the bike to its limits as i could feel how things twisted out of alignment. none of that now - it’s much more stable and controlled.
so yes, the brace works well and i’m very happy

i'm also happy with the looks. it's subtle enough not to look like some clamped-on modern-time addition (which, of course, it is) and still somehow adds to the appearance.

then the interesting bit.
tkat wanted my shake-down ride to be spirited. spirited it was - so spirited that i pushed the fork together once on a sharp bump after which i started losing brake fluid

turns out the brace hit the bolt holding the brake lines and brought a crush washer out of alignment. dammit. but nothing too bad, a bit of readjusting and tightening fixed it.
here the nick in the brace:

and the offending parts:

the last picture also shows how there's some additional distance between the fender and brace. i discussed this with tkat and will get rid of it by grinding down the "legs" on the x-bar, making it flat. that will create additional clearance between the x-bar and the brake hoses mounting.
this might already be enough to avoid contact. if not, i plan to replace the brake hoses anyway and may be able to fit them higher at the same time. last resort we can drill some holes in the x-bar if still necessary.
so we'll see. this is nothing dramatic as i would not use the full travel of the forks on every ride so can use the bike as is if i'm not going too crazy but will fix it for the future.