Half a day today spent on just the lower case half, well, that's not completely true. I had to change out the solvent in the parts washer too, that job is a Peach too. I go through a whole meticulous procedure for cleaning and bead blasting these cases. I know there are folks out there who think bead blasting ANYTHING on a motor is a no no. If you prep right and meticulously clean the cases there should be no problem. This case has absolutely no residue anywhere on, or in it. Most of my work is prepping and making sure there is no bead in there. That includes, blocking all bolt holes and passageways, multiple washings, both solvent and soap and water, along with air blasting. My hope is to have all the engine cases painted by the end of the weekend. A lower case before,
And, after, waiting to dry. I use the VHT Universal Aluminum paint for many things. I used it on the Honda 90 and think it came out perfect. The great thing about this paint is if you get some on a place you don't want paint just wait till it dries and wipe it right off with Acetone or even gasoline. But, cure it in the oven and it becomes very resistant to solvents and stains.
I am a big Decal Guy. So, while waiting in between coats on the lower case I put some eye candy on the chassis. Here is a pic of a decal I got on Ebay and had the VIN put on it. Most restos I do loose the paper tag from powder coat and go thru DMV with the stamp in the frame only. Even though the Honda had a riveted tag this tag looked better to me than riveting back on the old tag.
Speaking of decals, check out these bad boys. I know they are not correct but this is America. Before we believed everything we read on the internet we believed everything we saw in writing.