Hey everyone! This is my first post to the forums, and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that posts on here. It's been a super interesting resource for finding my own personal direction on my latest project.
So, here it goes. I bought this bike off of a gentleman just outside of Alton, IL. It belonged to his brother who has since passed away. Long before that, the guy had stored the bike for his brother in his barn. The plus side is that everything was stored properly, for the most part. Tank was empty, it was stored inside, and all possible points of entry for critters into the engine were shut off. I have a title and I have keys, so thankfully it's not stolen.
These pictures are from the day I picked it up, and since then it's seen a bath and some general disassembly. My main roadblock is my lack of space to work on this bike; I don't have a shed big enough or a garage to work on it in, so my work is relegated to a small patio. I can work on individual pieces inside my shed as I disassemble them, but the crazy midwest weather still hinders my actual work time. Now that it's spring though, I'm ready to get into it.
Alright! So the big question: should I just scrap this or should I enjoy tearing it apart and rebuilding it into something fun? The motor is free and all the linkage and parts work as they should. Gearshift works just fine, clutch, throttle and brakes as well. Obviously the tires are junk and the wheels as well, but I won't worry about those until way later, as I won't be riding this for
quite some time.
Thanks in advance for the tips and/or depressing realizations that I'm in over my head!

Quick edit: I have another seat that isn't ridiculous, but it's in the shed and not pictured here lol.