You know how it is guys. You wake up in the middle of the night with an idea. Yeah, you're a brain surgeon alright.
I put the right leg in the freezer for the night and walked away. It dawned on me that a tire spoon would work better. I wrapped electrical tape on the end, took a piece of fuel line and split it down the middle for something to pry against.
Five minutes later both were done. The left side was an old seal so it popped right out. I should of walked away earlier and saved the frustration. "Right tool for the job" comes to mind. I should know better.

So, I ordered a seal driver and new seals. Like I have said, just keep throwing money at it and something will happen. Still taking a break from this as I have "life things" I need to do. Next week is the Laughlin River Run so it's time to clean up the Ducati.