Jetting so far has not turned out how I thought it would.
I assumed with the ported head and slight overbore I'd be looking at lean mixtures, even felt it at WOT and felt choke helped it.
Set mixture screws to 1 turn out because I saw that while idling with the wideband and felt it. That helped just a touch, saw slightly leaner AFRs, like 12-12.5.
Wide-open throttle all of a sudden feels livelier. AFRs at around 13-13.5 but looses steam at about 7500 and just won't pull past 8k.
1/4 to half throttle feels like garbage. Hesitant, erratic. Give it a little more and it pulls, or twist the throttle a little more aggressively in that range to let the accelerator pump do its thing. AFRs here are all over the place. Either the needle jet range is WAYYYYY off or I'm getting fresh air being pulled in and skewing numbers.
The needle range felt great before, it's the only area where it would pull. Now? Not so much. I think I need to clean the carbs a bit. My tank has some rust that came back after acid cleaning it so maybe thats getting involved. Regardless, I have some finagling to do.
I should just buy CRs lol