I'm back! OK, so I was away interstate doing the Army Reserve thing for a week from the 28 Nov- 2 Dec, and was happy that last Saturday was a beautiful summers day. Unfortunately I managed to badly burn my left leg on the hot exhaust of my son's Royal Enfield 650 (pictures in the "Pissed Off" thread) and so decided to put off ride #35. Today (my first day of Christmas holidays, woohoo!) I woke up and removed the dressing before jumping into the shower and was very happy with it's progress (and very happy in general, I'm not going back to work until the 16th of January) and decided that a ride was in order.
Now I've been riding the CB750's and Triumph a lot, but my poor old Harley Sportster has been parked for way too long. I'd put a battery in it that I salvaged from my mate Davey's Police Special last year that wasn't good enough for that "Big Twin" shovel engine, but worked fine on my (much easier starting) 1200 Evo. I wondered how it was holding it's charge since I installed it 6(?) months ago, but it was fine, and as usual, fired up right away, it's always been my most reliable bike. I jumped on and as usual turned from Dr Jekyll to Mister Hyde, this really is a hooligan bike and I can't help my bad behaviour whenever I ride it. Street light drags, lane splitting, speeding (something I need to tone down, I'm expecting 2 speeding fines from a drive in my ute that went badly wrong when I missed two "variable speed limit" signs, doing quite a bit over the temporary limit, bugger it) and generally acting like a 22 year old, not a 62 year old. Oh well, it was fun regardless.
I stopped in a little town where these Christmas decorations were everywhere, and had to take a pic. After I did I looked at some of the signage and decided that as weird as it was, using dolls heads to decorate the figures was kind of creepy. Oh, well, it's but once a year.....
Sportster Saturday 10 December 2022 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I'd filled the bike up (5 litres) at the gas station near the storage unit, then after 55 miles filled up again (4.47 litres, not bad considering that I was hooning and saw "The Ton" on a couple of downhill spurts) then rode onto Broadford, where I stopped at my newest favourite bakery for a pie and a jelly slice. I ate it all, then felt like sh1t for a few hours after, that was way too much food for me. Was nice though.
Sportster Saturday 10 December 2022 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I waddled back out to the bike, fired it up, and rode like a maniac for the 40 miles home. Once again I swerved around a brown snake crossing the road, we had a pretty wet winter, and I reckon we'll have a bumper crop of snakes this year. He (or she) was a big one, at least 4 feet long, and I really had to swerve around it because it covered at least half the lane. I need to mow my backyard and clean it up, we have a creek behind our place and I don't want any snakes taking up residence in my back yard. A guy in Western Australia was asking me about some 1973 Kawasaki Z1 engine cases that I want to sell, so I went out to the garage and took some pics for him. I managed to find a set of Z1-B cases so don't need them, plus the 1973 cases are worth quite a few beans here, which will buy me more toys.
As I was walking out of the garage I noticed my old Suzuki T500, which I'd pretty much forgotten about when I started on my Kawasaki Z1-B project. I wondered if it had any charge left in the battery, so turned the key and the neutral light came on. OK, I turned the fuel to "Prime", put the choke on, and it started on the fourth kick! I really must take it for a ride.