I did read the link. I then did further research about the author, her background, and prior work. I not only read, but comprehend information and then think critically about what I have ingested. Cross reference it with our sources to determine its validity.
See, there’s more than just skimming a headline and portending to be the smartest cat in the world. But you might have missed that day in school when they taught critical thinking.
Having a journalist attempt to paint a noted virologist, the inventor of MRNA technology as a controversial scientist is laughable. Only the most feeble mind would slurp up that slop.
You claim to be a proponent of following the “science” and yet all the policies and actions you extol are controversies by science. For instance, 7/2020 the CDC plainly said, “there is no evidence that school age children can contract, transmit, or become infected by the virus.” And yet, millions upon millions of US children were shuttered away, locked down, and suffered by “political policy”. Some science-based acolyte you are.
Further, studies in effectiveness of cloth masks (you know, they type EVERYONE WEARS IN PUBLIC) have less than 10% effectiveness at preventing the spread, transmission or contraction of a virus. Well, let’s make everyone wear on of those to enter a restaurant, but allow them to remove them while eating and drinking. What, the virus graciously suspends it’s function during those moments? FFs the hypocrisy and idiocy of that is beyond laughable.
Every scientist who received an actual medical degree will confirm that the virus has virtually no ability to transmit in open air environments. So why then are people expected to wear a mask while exercising, walking, riding a bike? Where’s the “science”, Acolyte?
And the “vaccine”… It neither prevents transmitting, contracting or dying from the virus. So why then force people to take it? Sure, it might lessen the effects, but what about those cases where it causes other issues? Or what about people’s right to choose for themself what goes into their body? You probably are an advocate for the lobby of Abortion under the guise that is some type of women’s health care. That’s a lark. Or you may even be a proponent of legalizing drugs like marijuana, heroin and others. Fine, but why should you not follow the “science” that clearly indicates an abortion is 100% lethal, that drugs have complications to public health and well being, and that it is the governments role to determine what you can and can not do?
See, your conflicting arguments belie your belief in what you call science. Cite all the data that supports your argument, then dispel as “conspiracy” anything that does not. Sorry, science is about being proven. Right or wrong, science should aspire to be empirical. And virology is not empirical. Diseases mutate, humans mutate, humans evolve biologically because they were designed to adapt to their environment. Sorry you missed that day in school where you might have learned these things. Easier to just bloviate your ideological blather and dismiss other’s rights and opinions when they don’t align with yours.
I accept that you think differently. Fine by me. But get off your pedestal and stop attempting to lecture others about how correct you are and how wrong they are. I show respect to those who conduct themself respectfully of others. You have not on many occasions and certainly not within this thread. So back the fcuk up with your “holier than thou” crap.