Spotty and I cleaned the injectors on my BMW K100RS on the weekend. I love gadgets so bought a little $40 heated ultrasonic heater and injector tester ($36, from memory) and I brought over the Vevor injector cleaning kit with compressed air regulated feed tank.
We sat the injectors in the little ultrasonic cleaner all day in a mix of auto paint degreaser (very mild thinner that doesn’t affect O rings) with a few drops of injector cleaner. Once we’d finished un-clogging the hard brake lines down to the ABS modules and back to the calipers (9 years of sitting had caused rusty clumps to block all of the lines) flushed and bled them, we returned to the injectors.
The little ultrasonic cleaner had done a brilliant job and the fluid in the little tank was black with lots of little chunks of crap floating around. The inbuilt heater was a real bonus as it really helped to dissolve the muck. We pulled them out and dried them off, then connected the Vevor tank with pressure set at 15 psi to each injector, hooked up the test unit and was able to “pulse” each injector to ensure that the solenoids were working correctly.
I’m glad I bought these “cool tools”, a couple of years ago I replaced the injectors in my little Mitsubishi truck, which cost $400 and didn’t fix the problem, and so from now on I can clean and test injectors before replacing them, and all up, the tools were less than half the price of the Mitsubishi injectors.