heh...Talon heffay himself said any future attempts at a repeat thread would be deleted..i tend to agree with the statement that was made earlier in that thread about an 18+ area being created...or somesort of control placed on threads like that..like say being only able to access with a certian number of posts..
Well I have been giving it some thought and honestly I think it was poorly handled. Very poorly handled. While I was careful about what I posted, I found myself deleting some posts since I missed something at first glance. I am contemplating options. Putting nasty pics in the shameless boost thread would be a terrorist act. I do not like broad brushed censorship, but there is good taste. What I expected to happen was the nip pics be taken down and go on with life.
Considering the popularity of the thread I think the membership supported it and it met community standards on that count and not one person's opinion. It was a diversion from the 200 questions about carb balancing, Oil, Clutch rattles, chain adjustments, etc.
While this was not my thread, my name was attached to it, so I felt I some pride in how well it did and how the fellas chipped in to keep it going. I am also offended at the word Pornography, I know what porn looks like and there was no Porn there.
Hot chicks and bikes go together, which is why you see more hot chicks a bike meets than you do at Chess tournaments, I also play Chess.
People who ride bikes are people who enjoy being a bit on the edge. WE are the exception rather than the norm. We go out on the road with everything against us. We stake our lives on two wheels that have a couple of inches contact with the road and nothing but air between us and that road. We try to anticipate the unexpected and deal with it as best we can when something happens. No matter how we feel about other issues in this thing we do, we are united.
The boob thread was just a reflection of that edgy activity we have chosen make part of our lives. RIDE SAFE MY BROTHERS AND STAY EDGY, and you never know when a pretty lady thread may pop up in the near future. Yeah I am a child of the 60's and still edgy.