Terry the idea here is to rant. Now rant damn you!

Oh, ok, sorry, er, ok, I got one, here we go: I hate it when you meet a nice girl in a sleazy bar, and you take her home, and mid-way thru making love, she dies? Man, what a bummer! Oh wait, wrong forum, this isn't psychopath.com is it, ha ha!
Yes and factor in that petrol in the UK costs damn near£1 a litre here in the UK (stop and work that one out for a while) and you start to wonder where all the 4x4 shopping trolley owners get all their money from..
Well Loony, if you also factor in much higher wages in GB/Europe against those in the US, suddenly your fuel prices are a heck of a lot more reasonable than those of our American cousins.
Damn, I've done it again, sorry for sounding reasonable, I tell you what, I hate England hiring South African Cricketers (bloody mercenaries!) to whoop Australia in the "Ashes" series! What's wrong with England using English cricketers? (except that they're crap!) "Australia versus the world" starts today, so we'll see how good Freddy Flintoff is without Pieterson holding his hand, ha ha! Rant rant rant, whine, moan, etc! Cheers, Terry.