Cliff, having spent 10 days on this bike on a past trip to California I know it's really just the 2 bones that get sore.
I stopped at Canadian Tire to look at that thing you mentioned. It's for a full size truck!!!!!!!!!
How big do you think my ass in the saddle is??
The seat is 11" wide at the back, 6 1/2 inches long and 6 inches wide at the front.
My balls don't stick out that far when I ride so a small pad will be fine

As for the gel outside covers.........I needed to deal with the "no foam" left on the seat pan so I had to do something to rebuild it.
Might as well try to hide it.
I did lay down 1/2 inch foam around it to bring it all to the same level, and then laid another 3/8 inch piece over the works.
Should work out fine.