nah .. i did red on the last one ...
so does anyone know what to use to clean up the pad surface on the rear drums... should i use Rolocs, and if so witch one .. can i get away with using a fine wire wheel on my drill .. some sort of chemical .... ?
got the seat attached o the pan and did some more shaving on it, once i get some neoprene from Inkscars i'll get the vinyl on it
oh.. and i found those signals in a box in my garage ... not totally sold on using them , but i most likely will since i already have them
i have discovered that an 80 grit "flap" wheel , that is almost used up is the #$%* for shaving seat foam ... in the past i've used 36 grit flat sanding discs .. witch can get a little sporty at times ... but the 80 flap wheel (make sure it's a fairly used one) worked like magic, butter smooth , doesn't cut too fast or too slow
..... oh and i was also thinking of naming it "Freebie" ... for obvious reasons