Planned on doing a lot of things today.
Replace the crush washers on my forks. (only the left on was leaking, but I purchased enough to do both anyways)
Adjust the valves
Adjust cam chain tension
Clean and adjust points ad timing
Sync the carbs
And after everything was perfect, replace the points with my new Pamco ignition.
But NO! I had to take my daughter to the optometrist for her appointment at 11:15.
So I took her on the Honda, her first ride!
When we got back I had to show her how to run the lawn mower. Then I had to help my neighbor with his lawn mower.
When I got back from that, all I could manage was the crush washers on the left fork (the leaky one). And that took 3 hours!
And it's suppose to rain tomorrow.
So I took a little ride to see if there was improvement. Yes! Much better ride.