When I did mine one of the rear frame tubes must have moved a bee's dick after the cuts and it was a wrestle to get the last rear clamp on, while I could get them on with a lot of effort I decided to cut the bottom of the triangle, I then fitted all 4 clamps, tack welded the bottom triangle, took the whole H section off and finished welding the bottom triangle, the clamps fit very easy now.
It was only out .5 mil but it made it hard to get the last rear clamp on. Out of round tubes would be more drama than what I had to go through. Good luck with that.
I took my gear selector cover and alt cover off to do cam timing. It wasn't too much effort. I left the alt wiring connected and just suspended the cover to the frame with some wire. Only a small amount of oil came from the gear selector cover. My engine won't even turn over by the points nut so I did it via the alt.
The biggest PITA I reckon is using the hex key on those 20 bolts, after a while it get's to be quite painful and slow so I welded hex keys into 1/4" drive sockets and made a Tee bar from a 1/4" drive extension. The way to go. While I was at it I made up another socket with the #3 impact bit.
Frank used imperial bolts unfortunately, my only complaint.