Thank you for the kind words Ed. We (Brenda & I, mainly Brenda) tried to steer Karla in the right direction as best we could. I feel I SHOULD get credit though, for realizing that Brenda was the Person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with though, and pursued her.

Thing is, SHE didn't resist my efforts either, so I guess we BOTH knew that WE belonged Together.

Sure am glad, if I'd have had to chase her all over Little Rock, I'd end up with a bunch of tickets!

As far as fuzzy goes, He's All Right. AND his cats ARE his Kids!

We all make comments now and then, that we don't think about before doing thing. I have nothing against him and vice versa. I try to keep an even keel with folks, as much as they'll let me.
You take care ED, Bill