I read somewhere that you have more chance of being shot dead in heartland America than the soldiers in Afganistan?
Could that still be true? 
No, and never was actually.
It may be only if you pick and chose what is in your statistical database, and what message you want to distribute. If you want an anti gun message, you can refine numbers to illustrate whatever fear and outrage you wish to instill.
Remember the old "9 out of 10 Doctors recommend" advertising? Without any mention of the Doctors receiving free samples to distribute and recommend? Or for that matter, what the total population of doctors that were surveyed, or if the entire sample base was considered in the final "findings".
People are so easily manipulated, many times without them ever noticing it.
Another example are the toothpaste commercials. See them demonstrate putting as much paste on the brush that can possibly fit?
Never mind you only need half that amount on the brush to be effective. It teaches the viewer (and their children) not only the brand to chose but to use twice as much as needed. Today's advertising seldom provides product data, only images and comments that appeal to the baser human instincts and associate those products with those instincts. It's is a proven technique to sell product AND ideology.
Take a good look at how the US is presented in foreign country "news shows". Do you see predominately negative "reports" relative to that of your own country? Or that, policies outside of where you live presented as "outrageous"? Their is a reason for that.
It boils down to keeping people being happy where they are. A happy, stable, populace is more easily "guided".
Actually, I'd like to hear from other countries constituents, if they EVER hear something good about the USA. If not, you might ask why that is, or why the US isn't reported in the same ratio as events in your own country?
I'm not saying our mainstream media is any better, as negative news sells better than positive news (except at the very end of the the "news show"), and it is controlled by media barons who have their own agenda to forward. But, if your media is controlled by your government, why would they say anything good about foreign countries?