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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« on: December 11, 2010, 11:32:08 AM »
This has been ongoing in another thread. I added my response there and I'm bringing it out into the open so all can find this. It has been proposed that a Relay Ride be accomplished so let's get at it!

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Hey Guys,

As has been mentioned, this needs to turn into it's own thread. I normally wouldn't look at a title such as this has so I wandered to it inadvertently. For something as dynamic as this to happen it needs as much visibility as possible to succeed, internally then externally. Don't put the cart before the horse.

This is a really fantastic idea. Timing and participation are the key ingredients. Timing being the seasons and weather. Participation being the ability to cover all the states possible without any delays by riding every day non-stop whether it's a few miles or many miles but nevertheless daily. I know we have a large base of potential participants but I have a feeling it may still be difficult. We need to lay the framework first then go forward from there. Kind of like my daughter's middle school projects. She is using outlines then filling in the subject matter in a logical progression. We need to set an achievable time frame inclusive of weather then set up some routing ideas around that. 6 months should be more than enough and the weather situation should not be a problem.

Looking at my map ( I love looking at maps for rides  ;D  ) my thoughts are to start down south due to the seasonal weather. We should try to NOT use the Interstates but, rather, follow their routes. For instance: kick it off in Daytona during Bike Week (late Feb/early Mar). I don't think for what we want to accomplish that 2011 would be feasible - too early. If we do a good job and get the press/sponsonship we'd like to have we could probably even be recognized as an event. From Bike Week we knock out the entire south east first then head west.

For instance, Leg 1 (March - April):  Say Daytona - Jacksonville - Savannah - Charleston - Wilmington - Nags Head - Richmond - Blue Ridge Pkwy - KY - TN - AL - MS - AR - LA - TX - OK - NM - NV - AZ - CA.

Leg 2 (April - May): CA - NV - UT - CO - KS - MO - IL - IN - OH - WV -PA - MD - DC - DE -NJ

Leg 3 (May - June):  NY - New England states

Leg 4 (June - July - August): From Maine hit the provinces crossing back at Sault Ste Marie, MI - WI - MN - IO - NB - SD - ND - Manitoba - SK - AB - MT - WYU - ID - OR - WA - BC

Leg 5 (August): take the ferry from Seaweb's and Magpie's at Victoria, BC to AK  

Aside from routing then we will need people and sponsors. No better people than what we have here! I'm going to suggest at least 2 and maybe more riders all the time! We have old bikes. Don't want anyone stranded and we need to successfully accomplish our mission. But, we'll probably need outside help also so we recruit which will also help our membership increase. We have nationally recognized companies around us that can help promote such as APE, Corbin, Dynoman, etc. I'm sure some of the national motorcycle publications would be interested too. That would be the REAL push. BUT we need to put an outline in place and round up our initial riders to make sure we could FEASIBLY pull this off BEFORE we approach the publications.

How's all this sound to you guys?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2010, 02:39:30 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2010, 11:52:42 AM »
Great. That's a good start. Would it be possible to copy some of the pertinent content from that other thread here and then lock it. Old Timer has already contacted Motorcycle Classics.

OK it's time to see who's actually interested. How can you start a list that can be updated? Someone suggested Wordpress blogger so you could see peoples picture and comments on an ongoing basis. I'd suggest seeing how many folk might be interested as a first step.

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2010, 12:07:15 PM »
PM me if you wish to participate. Include your area and the areas you might be able to ride. I'd like to have an email if you aren't linked and I'd like to include your name (or part such as John B) if permissable. Dates are to be determined. If my suggested routing sounds good we can work with it. I will lock a seperate thread and just maintain the list so as to not bog it down. I will make changes/insertions based upon the approximate geographical locations of each willing potential participant as related to my suggested routing. Keep in mind that this is all negotiable and may be changed due to need.

List of Interested Parties:

75. Operator - Jason - News Brunswick - YESSSSSSSS!! Canada is filling in
74. Japanese Industrial Standard Schmthaus - Brazil, IN - IL & IN
73. joerizzoO - Indiana and a place to stay
72. GregMotis - Greg Sower - Sante Fe, NM - NM - E. AZ - S. CO - W. OK
71. Duanob - Seattle
70. Justin Carthel - Lubbock, TX - Lubbock to NM and beyond
68. Gearheadgreg - RI
67. flybox1 - WA
66. Stevenarrow - BC and Pacific NW to Alberta
65. GregK - S. BC - N. ID - MT also offered housing
64. SuperPastyWhiteGuy - DC
63. Teknojeffy - Jeff - Minnesota - looks like there may be a party up there at this rate  
61. Scottly - Arizona - YES!! Now I have to flip my road atlas over to the somewhat neglected left half
60. DavePhipps - Indiana
59. Campbmic - Dallas - Dallas to OK and back. Place for riders to stay.
58. MyGunsBigger - Daytona 200 to Savannah to start us off!!
57. Bluto - Bill Skinner - Georgia
56. AlanShively - Dallas
55. TinTop - Brian - Ontario
54. Bender01 - Ben Frazer - Savannah, Charleston to Columbia, SC
53. Wardenerd - eastern NC
52. RickEE - Quebec
51. Paulages - where/what I lost track
50. Lavis500 - Copperas Cove, TX (Ft. Hood) - TX
49. Patricke9 - Pacific Northwest
48. Photolar - Larry - Philadelphia - lodging and ride in the Philly area
47. Whaleman- Dan Whalen - Davenport, IA - either/both directions
46. Joe29 - Joe - LA to San Fran
45. Jordan - road service SLC N to Idaho
44. Nikkisixx - SC to TN
43. Ofam - Sean - Colorado
42. Tugboat - Nashville - TN
41. Fasturd - WI to - Minneapolis to IO to SD
40. Domer - possible greatly discounted hotel rooms in San Fran
39. DonR - couple states around IL (MO - IL - IN perhaps?)
38. Ryan6838 - AL beginning April 2011 until ?
37. Rat Racer - Upper Peninsula, MI
36. Trav-i - Travis - Georgia
35. Brown Bomber - Allen -Cinncinnati, OH - OH east toward PA
34. Ofreen - the highest mileage F on the road - US50/I-80 in NV and/or ID on the return leg - most excellent dude
33. Brian77cb750 - Lindale, TX - LA to OK to TX
32. fmctm1sw - aka alphabet  ;D - Pensacola, FL to points unknown  ;)
31. ProTeal 55 - Chicageo - ride or support in a CHERRY 55 Chevy - "just tell him what we need"
30. IndyFour - Chris - Indy - IL to OH
29. mcuozzo - Matt - E. PA - N. NJ - NY- NYC - CT ride or support vehicle
28. JTB - John Baldridge - Alabama
27. Bluegreen - Chris - Vancouver - Looking good in BC boys!
26. Richard Hykawy - all or part of Manitoba
25. ZZPete - Pete Rundle - Chicago support crew 100 miles each direction
24. Seanbarney41 - Kalamazoo, MI - midwest - place to crash
23. Nortstudio - Scott Norton - NYC
22. Tripps - Chris K - W. NY, E. OH, W. PA to NYC, S. Ontario
21. ZanVooden - Dave VanZuiden - Minn/St Paul south towards/into Iowa
20. MCRider - Indianapolis area - IL east to OH or parts therof. (Mine ain't running yet either - plenty of time maybe but as you said, a beater for parts or your next project. Should be plenty avail in INDY or Lou, KY area
19. Mr Breeze - Modesto area (N or S) to Reno, NV etc (towards UT to follow the "plan")
18. Grnrngr - Pacific coast areas of CA- OR - WA - hand off to 754 aka Frank on US97 at Osoyoos, WA on the border with BC
17. BobbyR - Metamoris, NY to NYC then to Connecticut
16. Photolar - Larry - Philadelphia, PA to Metamoris at junction of NJ, PA, and NY
15. Spanner1 - Nashville to Memphis
14. BruceDeuce - Bruce - Central New Jersey - the length of New Jersey
13. Asom - SC, NC, TN, VA
12. Apex Seeking - Denver - Is totally down to ride
11. 754 - Frank - British Columbia - Hope, BC to Vancouver or to Seawebs place on Gabriola
10. KSmith0034 - Kevin Smith - Columbus, OH 100 miles in both/either directions
9.  BWaller - Brent Waller - New England to eastern Ontario
8.  Goofaroo - OK City area (Edmond) 100 miles either/both directions (but bike may not be done)
7.  Jerry Griffin (if my bike is ready) Colorado areas
6.  MYCB750K6 - aka Rocketman - SoCal to AZ/NM
5.  GammaFlat - John Banaszak - NW Indiana - Rider or Support vehicle (Good Idea) 100 miles in either/both directions
4.  Old School Is Cool - Lower Michigan around Lansing - Volunteered to be a Regional Coordinator - GOOD IDEA
3.  O5c5O - Paul Gabor - Pittsburgh area - can do all PA or part, east OH  &/or northern WV
2.  Zaipai - Scott - Milwaukee to the Illinois state line
1.  Drones 76 - Jon - offered to coordinate around Charlotte and the Blue Ridge Parkway

 ??  who's next ??

I realize this isn't the most appropriate place for a thread of this subject matter but it will get more exposure here. I would eventually like to have this tagged at the top of the appropriate forum or it's own forum and the new list tagged and locked to not allow discussion on it.

« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 12:26:27 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2010, 01:05:00 PM »
List of Potential Sponsors/Supporters/Events:

1. Motorcycle Classics
2. APE
3. Corbin
4. Honda
5. American Honda
6. Honda Canada
7. Daytona Bike Week
8. Barbers Motorcycle Museum
9. Rocker Box
10. Road America

Anyone we might tie into along the way, etc. Companies that we utilize that may want additional exposure form this, etc. We don't necessarily need money and we really don't need to get into any issues with the IRS over being a charitable orginization either. Sponsors, etc could donate things like a cell phone, a camera, a laptop, a hard drive, a hard case for this type stuff, a couple rain suits, a tool kit to pass along through each participant, etc. PM/email (to help keep all this cleaner) suggestions to me please
« Last Edit: December 11, 2010, 05:29:05 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline benjamin550

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 01:24:07 PM »
I volunteered to do the blog in the previous thread. Here is what Im thinking:

I could set up a website- probably in Wordpress- and organize it to have different sections like maybe "where am I now" "photos" "videos" "map of the journey" "about the ride" ect...

I could set up a way for people to upload their photos to me and from there I could edit them down a bit and upload them to the site. Every time someone finishes a leg of the journey I will create a new post with a brief summary description (probably written by the person leading the ride), and all of the recent photos and videos. It might be cool to even use this as an opportunity to explore great riding roads and good "off the beaten path destinations for motorcyclists (restaurants ect..).  

There would be a link from this website to the blog, and to facebook as well as a twitter feed so that those of us who tweet could post pictures while on their leg of the journey. It helps to keep things active and timely.

Of course if we worked with a charity there would be a way to donate as well.

With that being said:
1. It would most like by a couple of weeks before I could have anything up because I graduate college (whoo hoo) next weekend and this coming week will be hell. But after that and over the holidays, I will have down time to get something up.

2. I REALLY like the idea of doing it on an international scale. I for one love to see pictures from our members over seas of places I don't get to see everyday, and I think others do as well. In fact one of my favorite things about this forum is it's international reach. I feel like this would really help to bring in charity, attention, sponsorship, media, and just make things more fun. It is one thing to do a "ride across america" which has been done plenty before, but entirely another to do a "ride across the world." I just feel like we should take advantage of the global scale of our membership. Just my .02.

Please feel free to either post or PM me suggestions about the website.

By the way, despite my screen name "benjamin 550" my actual name is Kohl Threlkeld. benjamin is just the name of my bike and Ive realized now that it is very easy to assume that's also my name. OOPS  :o

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2010, 01:32:38 PM »
Not sure if this will be limited to SOHC bikes and if so, that is cool.  As i said in the other thread I do not have an SOHC, just a twin(wait, if I cross my eyes it looks like a 4).  ;D  I will be happy to lend a hand and help coordinate if needed.  I am located just north of Charlotte and there is some good riding from here to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Mapping out an overall route may be the most difficult thing to include all states, provinces etc. and keep it logical.  There is a website that I use for bicycle routes,   It may be helpful in creating the tour. 

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2010, 01:45:20 PM »
There is a website that I use for bicycle routes,   It may be helpful in creating the tour. 

Great minds think alike, I posted that link a few hours ago in the other thread. I think Jerry sounds very organized and should continue the charge to organize this event. I will PM him with where I can jump in.. Bassically Milwaukee to the Ill, state line or Ill, state line to Milwaukee.. Its about all I can do with my back the way it is.

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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2010, 02:02:50 PM »

That's fantastic. A lot of work I'm sure but fantastic. That is the type of structure we need to add to this effort to make it truely worthwhile and credable. This is going to be BIG!

As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2010, 02:08:39 PM »
Not sure if this will be limited to SOHC bikes and if so, that is cool.  As i said in the other thread I do not have an SOHC, just a twin(wait, if I cross my eyes it looks like a 4).  ;D  I will be happy to lend a hand and help coordinate if needed.  I am located just north of Charlotte and there is some good riding from here to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Mapping out an overall route may be the most difficult thing to include all states, provinces etc. and keep it logical.  There is a website that I use for bicycle routes,   It may be helpful in creating the tour. 

Hey Drones,

Good to have you on board. I'll list you as a possible Coordinator for your area. Maybe a group ride on the Blue Ridge Pkwy! All suggestions are good! This will end up being a connect the dots thing with the dots being available riders and places to visit. I'd say that anyone is welcome to ride along but we HAVE TO HAVE SOHC4's in every segment. We're all friends and we're all riders!
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2010, 02:11:51 PM »
If you set up a web site, it should be clear that this is a SOHC4 activity and event - right? And if you use a blogger, the site can be updated in real time from folks smart phones while it's taking place- videos and pictures and all that - right?

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2010, 02:16:06 PM »
Mapmyride has an app for iPhone and Blackberry, no Android it looks like however you can probably just use the web browser.

I was not sure that Glenn was aware of this event so I shot him a PM so maybe he can officially sanction this event as a SOHC4 event.

.: Scott :.
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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2010, 02:29:23 PM »
If this thing ever gets big enough that ye decide to include europe I would be more than happy to be included to represent Ireland ;D (I don't know of any other Irish members on the forum although there possibly is) and I know their would be people from the UK and possibly other parts of europe who would like to join in like maybe Jensen from the Netherlands and Strynboen from denmark (just guessing here but I'd say they'd have no problem taking part) so please don't forget us.

Obviously a mascot or knome or whatever is finally decided as the sohc4 symbol would have to be posted or shipped our way and maybe it could continue on towards South Africa and then Australia where there's other members who would take part and it would be a world relay instead of just America and Canada (this would be really amazing I think).

I think that the donation thing to a charity is a really good idea and every person who is involved should donate a certain amount to the chosen charity to make it even for everyone.
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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2010, 02:37:14 PM »
We now have 3 4 countries committing. Just waiting for all our European brothers to come on board. It WILL happen. Get the word out.

Hey, I'm a Griffin Irish. Great Grandfather. James J Griffin. ~1869. Couldn't trace it back yet.

Mascot, charities, etc are excellent ideas. I have to talk Andy750 into taking his bike back to the UK with the unknown mascot and getting the tag team started for you guys. Looks like I'll have to change the name, huh!

« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 10:57:26 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2010, 02:53:03 PM »
Ill volunteer to take it round the world if there is sponsorship involved ;)  :D

Game for anything really...
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2. CB750/810cc K2  - road racer with JMR worked head 71 hp
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Where did you go on your bike today? -

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2010, 02:54:51 PM »
I nominate Jerry Rx as 'The Gnome' ;D :D :o... need a second.....
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If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2010, 02:58:19 PM »
Cool deal guys, I like the idea of possibly riding for a charity, it makes for good press too.

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2010, 03:11:04 PM »
I would like to do the border of BC to the coast or Hope BC, if they come in on 97.. if they are crossing further east we have a member in Cranbrook BC.
 We should arrange alternate bikes in case someone is not ready, then we could get a bike loaned or a substitute rider, in case someone cant perform..

 If this passes Utah in August or Sept, a stop at the Salt Flats should be included.. if it is at the right time it could be ay BUB or the Bonneville GP..
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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2010, 03:31:15 PM »

Sounds good. We gotta plan on having options available so we need as many riders as possible. Send out alerts to all. Members or non-members. If they have a SOHC4 they can join up. I Hope (been there) you won't be riding alone. This would be great if all the segments are group rides of 2 or more. Anyone should be able to ride along with the others for whatever distance then drop off and head home. For personal and machine safety we really should plan on trying to have at least 2 guys together at all times. Many of our riders can act as hosts and give a guy a bed, food and shower perhaps should they need to be out overnight or multiple days. We have enough guys in the Provinces that a southern Canada border ride should be VERY doable. Sure wish I could ride the west with you guys. Just FANTASTIC riding!

As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2010, 04:30:35 PM »
Jerry.......I can tell your stoked about this.........GREAT!

I can carry the whatever to the Road America Vintage Festival in June, or the Rocker Box event in Milwaukee in August, or whenever I am needed in Wisconsin.

I don't think it should be a race, but daily reports should be a must. You should allow for bad weather.

Riding on the ferry to get to Alaska should only be an option.........when on the way to Australia or NZ there would be opportunity for Hawai.

I made a few suggestions for a charity in the other thread and I think it would be quite simple to administrate.

Part of the funds raised could be from T-Shirts.........Yes, there should be the 'I RODE THE SOHC INTERNATIONAL RELAY - 2011 TO ???' for the honor of wearing the shirt at future events.

The gnome or tank bag or whatever could also be a video prop for those of us with helmet cams.......Going to the Sun Road would make a great video   
Dennis in Wisconsin
'64 Triumph Cub & '74 Honda CB750 Bonneville Salt Flats AMA Record Holder (6)
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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2010, 04:43:05 PM »
I could offer shelter/rest around the Philly area if necessary.   Would love to cruise along on my 750 or 400...Could ride along the Delaware River toward NY if that is the route.....Larry

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2010, 05:15:25 PM »
Jerry.......I can tell your stoked about this.........GREAT!

I can carry the whatever to the Road America Vintage Festival in June, or the Rocker Box event in Milwaukee in August, or whenever I am needed in Wisconsin.

I don't think it should be a race, but daily reports should be a must. You should allow for bad weather.

Riding on the ferry to get to Alaska should only be an option.........when on the way to Australia or NZ there would be opportunity for Hawai.

I made a few suggestions for a charity in the other thread and I think it would be quite simple to administrate.

Part of the funds raised could be from T-Shirts.........Yes, there should be the 'I RODE THE SOHC INTERNATIONAL RELAY - 2011 TO ???' for the honor of wearing the shirt at future events.

The gnome or tank bag or whatever could also be a video prop for those of us with helmet cams.......Going to the Sun Road would make a great video   


Those are the types of ideas and support we need and that only our members can provide. Exposure at those events would be gigantic. We hava a few members that can generate some advertising to take along. Banners, flyers, etc We get the word out in a professional manner and bring people, organizations, media, etc on board.

Definitely not a race but rather "just a ride". Too many sites to see and people to interact. These
are big beautiful countries that not all can experience personally. We can, however, see them and experiencee through our members eyes and words. Speed would be counterproductive to that vision.

Benjamin550 has offered to set up and maintain a site dedicated just to this. He is graduating from college soon, is a photojournalist with video documentary experience. He has many good ideas about blogging and uploading pictures from the road while he handles the sire which he would set up and maintain.

Not likely we could ride every day. Many factors involved. Weather, bikes, personal issues, wives, and jobs just to name a few  ;D I can envision one rider coordinating with the next through regional coordinators. I dreamed of the ferry ride to Alaska when Howard and I rode to BC 2 years ago and met up with Seaweb/ aka Derek and it stuck with me. Wish I was close enough myself. 4 or 5 days on a ferry and no worries about the reliabilty of an old bike in the wilderness.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2010, 05:15:25 PM »
Not sure if this will be limited to SOHC bikes and if so, that is cool.  As i said in the other thread I do not have an SOHC, just a twin(wait, if I cross my eyes it looks like a 4).  ;D  I will be happy to lend a hand and help coordinate if needed.  I am located just north of Charlotte and there is some good riding from here to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Mapping out an overall route may be the most difficult thing to include all states, provinces etc. and keep it logical.  There is a website that I use for bicycle routes,   It may be helpful in creating the tour. 

I'll ride with ya Drone.  I got a SOHC4.  I can't speak for the rest of NC but the Charlotte area has several active members and I know of plenty SOHC4 riders that aren't active on here.  Maybe ride up the coast then across to Charlotte area then up to the Pkwy...

as for me, I can pretty much do anywhere in SC, NC, TN, VA

in case I forgot, it's a 78' CB750F

Bloody knuckles and all...

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2010, 06:22:38 PM »
If the Gnome decides to pass thru' Gnashville, me 'n Sweetie will SOHC it along somewhere close to Memphis ( Hwy. 70 please! ). While here, we'll try to have it pictured with some country music star  :) ;D
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2010, 06:52:38 PM »
I could offer shelter/rest around the Philly area if necessary.   Would love to cruise along on my 750 or 400...Could ride along the Delaware River toward NY if that is the route.....Larry

Larry, I could meet you in Matamoras Pa where NY, NJ and Pa meet. From there I can take him down to West Point, and given a few days I could get him to the Empire State Building or Ground Zero or both. I can get him to From there I could get him to Connecticut and hand him off to some of our New England Brothers.   
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

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Re: SOHC4 Relay Across America, Canada, and Beyond
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2010, 07:03:36 PM »

Larry, I could meet you in Matamoras Pa where NY, NJ and Pa meet. From there I can take him down to West Point, and given a few days I could get him to the Empire State Building or Ground Zero or both. I can get him to From there I could get him to Connecticut and hand him off to some of our New England Brothers.   

That could work but I am at the other end of the state almost in Delaware.  It is a possibility though,   Larry