Refused to surrender but was unarmed = double tap
You call it justice, I call it a political assassination carried out by the US govt....
It doesn't matter what country/society you live in, taking lives is taking lives. Using the loss of your own countrymen to justify and celebrate violence being brought upon another will only push the human race to a lower level of existence.
Actually, a "double tap" is two shots fired quickly at the same point of aim, so if Osama was double tapped (assuming of course that the story is true) he would have had either two in the chest or two in the head, although two in the chest would be more feasible, head shots are for sniping, not CQB.
I'm interested in how he "refused to surrender" when he was unarmed, and apparently, bed-ridden. It seems that due to his illness, he wasn't able to walk unassisted for the last few years, so I don't know why it was necessary to shoot him, (twice) when he was incapable of any resistance. It would explain the pictures of blood stains on his bed though.
I heard on the radio today that Obama has decided not to show the pics of the dead Osama, so I guess we'll just have to believe the word of a US President, and hope he's a bit more honest than the last one, who justified invading Iraq based on reports from America's various intelligence agencies (the same one's who apparently located Osama) that Saddam had "Weapons of Mass Destruction".
So I guess the bottom line is that, depending on your particular political persuasion, you'll either believe that the "Kill or Capture" op was a complete success, but unfortunately Osama resisted too much so the Seal guys had to shoot him, and the government had to give him a burial at sea in accordance with Islamic tradition, (even if like me, you've never actually heard of an Arab buried at sea) or you're a nut case who dares question the rather dubious story that the government is trying to sell you. "Sheeple" or "Conspiracy Theorist". Which is it? Cheers, Terry.