Just a quick observation.
All riders who were injured with or without a helmet were injured while riding a motorcycle,(or had just parted company with said motorcycle).
What's dangerous is motorcycles.
I am 58 and have ridden since I was 12.
Raced Motocross since the early 70's.
Have crashed many times, in the dirt and on the road.
More in the dirt, but that is to be expected. But one thing I can tell you is, most if not all of them could have been prevented by me.
Had a car pull in front of me in 1979 and I hit him broadside. totaled the bike. My full face helmet and riding jacket took most all of the abuse. I walked away with a broken wrist.
He was ticketed.
I was going about 50 in a 35 zone. If I would have been doing the speed limit, it wouldn't have happened.
1n 1982 I hit gravel in a corner and went off the road and into the woods. Hit a stump and cart wheeled. Scuffed up but able to walk out. The bike didn't fair so well. I was wearing a helmet.
If I would have been riding at a speed that would have let me correct for the unexpected, I wouldn't have went down.
My point is, ride within your limitations. Leave some room for error and bad road conditions. Don't expect anyone to give you the right of way just because you legally have it.
The dirt is where you really learn the fundamentals of motorcycle handling.
You can't think fast enough to over come problems when they happen at speed. Ride in the dirt until your reflexes take over.
Gear is great, but knowledge will keep you alive longer.
Hopefully my grammar and spelling is good enough for the grammar Nazis. If not, go screw yourself.