My cousin did the same, built a beautiful big new house out in the bush, and was horrified at how much to get connected to the grid, so he ran an ancient generator system using a 80 year old stationary engine that had a 12" (single cylinder) bore and a longer stroke, with a massive flywheel, that would sip gas at a tiny rate, (he eventually converted it to propane) as it ran at around 100 RPM. He ran 240V and 28V light globes in every room, as he had battery backup as well. He did run a wind generator to charge the batteries that he built himself, and I don't ever remember a time when he had any power issues.
He sold that place many years ago, and I think the new owners ponied up the dough to have it connected to the grid, but the house was destroyed in the bushfires last year. Pity, it was a nice place, I used to go dirt biking and shooting out there all the time.