A few updates;
Installed the oil filter today, and 10w40 castrol oil, and primed the oil pump.
What has worked for me in the past and today again .. i open the gallery plug above the points cover, and almost thread a 1/2” hose in the gallery, then with a funnel attached to the house and zip tied to the frame i pour as much oil as it takes ( usually a third quart ) till it holds a visual level in the funnel.
Then fill the oil tank with 2 - 1/3 quart of oil.
You can chose to use the kick starter or the electric starter at this point and turn the engine over, till the pump burps. When no more bubbles in the funnel, turn over some over and you can see the level rising in the funnel.
Empty out the funnel, gallery plug back on, and turn over some more till you see oil in the top end.
OR you can just prime the pump before install
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