Poop story short. This is true and it happened to me.
I went to NYC many years ago to hang with this hottie. I spent the weekend and we got along "really well". We drank and smoked and totally had a great time. Sunday morning, after two nights of drinking dark beer and eating rich food, my bowels decide to empty. No problem, I used the toilet like any normal guy. Fast forward about an hour into the train ride home to Philly. I'm high and reflecting on the great time I just had with Ann Marie and planning a return trip when suddenly I was overcome with horror.
I forgot to flush the toilet. No really.
A huge, Yuengling Porter, bacon-cheeseburger with fries, toxic, semi-liquid-ish, load of jellied brown slime that filled the waterline, four horsemen of the apocalypse type of #$%*, was left there for her to find as soon as she got home from dropping my sorry ass off at the train station and went to pee.
I called that night when I got home and I fessed up to it right away. She said that it was no problem. But wait, it gets even worse
I worked for her brother-in law. I told him what happened. He said he knew already. I never lived it down and I never saw that girl again. I really liked her.