Well folks, tomorrow, we go over to my Dad's apartment, I check his blood sugar, give him his insulin and we head to Little Rock for a "Retirement Party" for Faye (THE waitress who had waited on my Mom and Dad for years (about 25 for my Dad, my Mom passed away in 2002) The part will be at the Denney's in Little Rock, where she worked! For ME, Karla and Joey it is going to be a very long Day. For my Dad, it will be the last time that he will be able to go into THAT Denney's and have a waitress say, "Do you want your usual, as his coffee cup is filled (and SHE always checked that cup as she went by, topping it off if it was down by much at all). Now, on Sunday, as usual, we will be back here and going to Calico County to where we will be treated very well by that waitress there, Jana, who had told me that I need to ask for her. And, I've been doing just that. I have to tell ya, WE are treated very well by her and Ive seen her with other customers enough to see that she gives us more attention than the other customers. I'm not saying that she doesn't take care of the others, she just seems to go further with us. Karla, Joey AND my Dad really like her as well. I'll tell ya, if I was about 20yrs younger..... But, I'm not!
You know, on another note here, when things changed for me on July the 1st, I figured that, as I got to where I could, I'd just have to pull it together, take care of business and go on. Well, there have been some things that have happened, that have opened my eyes to the fact that I need some female companionship. I mean, even if it's just someone that I can be with, go out to eat, talk, go to a movie or out to a park and just talk or whatever. It'd be nice if whoever it was, would like to go for an outing on my bike, like take off down hwy 71 or up towards Fayetteville or such as that. Just someone I could go out with and have some fun, no strings attached and, if it went further than that, then so be it. Ah, you'll just have to overlook me, I was just thinking outloud! it's just that, now, when I see an older couple or one my age, and they are together, having fun or just doing SOMETHING together, it gets me to thinking, cause I really miss that. I'm reluctant to approach something though because, I don't know how long is acceptable and I have to consider Karla's feelings on the matter and all. When I met Brenda, all I had to consider was the two of us and hoped that the families would go along with us. Well, I've done it again, I started out to tell you all about the "retirement party and basically "Spilled my Guts!"
I'm outta here, Bill

Be back tomorrow evening