So I got some work done. Today was VIN plate.
Steering head holes were virtually gone, just a shadow below the powdercoat.

nothing some drilling wouldn't cure. But curious, as it wasn't just powder I was drilling thru but metal, or baked in glass beads, or something. It gave some resistance.
The rivets supplied by forum member Mark B,

were a little bit bigger than the holes in the VIN plate. Not wanting to force them thru, we drilled out the vin plate. Taped it to a piece of PVC for some stability.

After tapping the rivets in

Even though we had pre-curved the VIN plate hoping it would lie flat, 2 corners tried to come up. So we shoved some glue under the corners (there was a bead of glue under the plate to begin with as well) and taped it down.

This seemed to work pretty well. You could still get a fingernail under an edge if you tried, so don't try.

The abrasions on the VIN plate are from years of the clutch cable rubbing on it.
Assembled the seat latch with new chrome hardware, chrome buttonheads hold it on.

Thought I had the masking done, but forgot the studs. So they're done now.

Still going round with the renovators on my tank. It may be shot. If so, I'm thinking I'll take the petcock bung off and have it welded to the left side of the old black tank, which has no rust and the tiniest of gooseeggs which can be filled.
Gotta be gone for the week on biz. Hate to leave it.