Would love an electronic version...
You've sold one to me, Hondaman. It sounds perfect, because I overlooked a lot of little things when I rebuilt my first engine.
But yea, +1 for an electronic version! A lot of my reading is done electronically these days. Any plans?
Currently I have no plans for an electronic one. For one thing, there's no way to show the detail in the pictures without a complete rewrite of the format. It took me 4 years to write it the first time, and I'm currently on another book now (hopefully not for another 4 years!). This winter, I might have the time to put together the DVD of the many pictures in it, plus those that didn't make the 'final cut' just because of space, time, and $$ constraints. I originally planned on a $50 book, but full color took the original manuscript to over $150 per copy. That triggered the need to pare it back to primarily K1-K6, although a lot of K0 and post-1976 stuff still remains in this version. There's so much that they have in common that it works fine, with some added details for those 'other' bikes. I had to eliminate the "K0 chapter", which was over 50 pages, and the "F0/F1/F2/F3 Variants" chapter, another 30 pages, and move their highlights in amongst the existing text. I also had to remove almost 150 pictures, and even at this version Amazon wanted to sell it at $149. So I don't use any "vendors", or no one could afford the book as it is. I'm just selling them pseudo-direct, or through the publisher's [meager] contacts. And on my website, now.