Author Topic: Kidney Stone!!!!  (Read 2166 times)

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Offline void909

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Kidney Stone!!!!
« on: June 15, 2010, 08:13:29 PM »
More like a small meteor! This thing is 7mm x 6mm x 8mm in size and stuck! I went to the ER last friday and got the bad news. Went today and got scheduled to have a lithotripsy and a stint put in next Thursday. This is gonna suck.
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Offline GammaFlat

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 09:35:28 PM »
Ouch.  Is it too large to "blast"? 
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 09:38:15 PM »
More like a small meteor! This thing is 7mm x 6mm x 8mm in size and stuck! I went to the ER last friday and got the bad news. Went today and got scheduled to have a lithotripsy and a stint put in next Thursday. This is gonna suck.

Better the lithotripsy and stent than letting it be stuck. :o
Will they be doing lab tests on it to see what the composition is in case it's in some way related to your diet? (i.e. "Don't eat that because it'll give you pebbles in your ___________)
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Offline MickeyX

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 10:12:41 PM »
Expect to be hurting for a few days and peeing blood. It beats up your kidney and surrounding tissue pretty bad. For a smaller stones like yours, litho is usually what they try 1st. The stent in your ureter will help the fragments pass to your bladder over a period of weeks/months and you can usually pee them out from there. They will probably have you strain your urine for a while too so the stone can get tested. There is probably something in your diet that caused it. Expect them to put you on a restricted diet or make you change any supplements (like taking calcium) when they find out what they are made of.
Overall, there are much more invasive ways to deal with stones, they are being as nice as they can on this one. They should also be testing if you have any narrowing/damage of your ureter while they're in there by injecting some contrast while watching with fluoroscopy.

Make sure they knock you out solid. You don't want to remember this one. Trust me.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.  :) :)
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 10:43:47 PM »
Sonic blast it!!!

Just flag down a local yo and demand he crank up tha beats in his hooptie (with you in it of course), that should knock the piss out of it, and your hearing at the same time!  :)
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 10:50:31 PM »
i thought my vasectomy was partially bad,i only had a local numb shot,plus watching a guy do a rebuild on my twins was a little ,you know?i tell others to go full under,,but that ups the cost.

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2010, 08:08:38 AM »
I have been dealing with stones my whole adult life. Last one was 11x7x9 mm and stuck almost all the way down my ureter just before my bladder (I pass it that far down on my own. Then a smaller 3x4x4 stone came down on top of it. They had to go up my penis to blast the stone with a laser. Then the stent was worse than the stone. Constant pain, especially when you piss!

Once it is time to remove the stent, they reach up inside and pull this bloody tube right out of the end of your penis when you sit there. The doctor had the balls to tell me to start breathing... Ass hole. I asked, and he conformed that he has never had a stone or a stent... So what the hell does he know.

Offline Lenny55

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2010, 09:44:06 AM »
I've had kidney stones twice in my life.  Probably the worst pain I've ever felt, and mine were small enough to pass on my own.  I can't imagine what the big ones feel like.

Good luck with everything Void.

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Offline MickeyX

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2010, 11:17:12 AM »
I have been dealing with stones my whole adult life. Last one was 11x7x9 mm and stuck almost all the way down my ureter just before my bladder (I pass it that far down on my own. Then a smaller 3x4x4 stone came down on top of it. They had to go up my penis to blast the stone with a laser. Then the stent was worse than the stone. Constant pain, especially when you piss!

Once it is time to remove the stent, they reach up inside and pull this bloody tube right out of the end of your penis when you sit there. The doctor had the balls to tell me to start breathing... Ass hole. I asked, and he conformed that he has never had a stone or a stent... So what the hell does he know.

Being in on these procedures regularly in my job, I have to say... they must not like you.  :P Or you've mixed up your terminology. They only take it out or put it in when you are out cold. That is the standard of care. If you are having them over and over, they should be keeping the stent in so the other stones will pass and not tear you up, not taking it out everytime. You are feeling where they broke up the stone (it's a moving target in there when they are blasting them) and where it was irritating you, that's not necessarily the stent's fault. I can't imagine why they would put that big metal pencil up your penis (not sterile in an office setting so malpractice and infection must be rampant around there) while you are awake and pull the stent out. I think you just had a catheter in instead and that is very different. It will hurt if you've irritated that tissue. Most people say having the stent is actually relieving, not hurty. Just out of curiosity, since I'm sure they would have tested them, what were yours made of and how did they have you change your diet?  :)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 11:18:59 AM by MickeyX »
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Offline SD750F

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2010, 02:14:17 PM »

Yes, they removed the stent in an office setting, while I was awake and sitting upright on the edge of a physical examination bed. The nurse reached down, pulled my penis out and injected a topical up the urethra and held the head of my penis for a couple seconds so it would not squirt out. Then the surgeon walked into the office and inserted a small laparoscope into my urethra into my bladder to locate the stents loop. The nurse had control of the manual claw and followed the surgeon's instructions. It tooks them about five times to grab the loop then in one long pull, he pulled the laparoscope and the stent out.

Yes, I understand the need for the stent. Especially when the ureter was damaged by the stone, as well as the surgical procedure to remove to stone. also as you said to provide time for the smaller laser blasted bits to be ejected with my urine.

My wife is a surgical RN and she was amazed about my experience as well...
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 02:53:23 PM by SD750F »


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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2010, 02:35:38 PM »
I have seen them make a 6'4" Iron Worker tear up.


Offline elmarko

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2010, 10:19:11 PM »
I also have delt with kidney stones most of my adult life. got used to passing the stones i could feel the pain in my back then go to my side then drop down to the sack.
I would drink a lot of water and it would flush out. the stones were small that i could deal with the pain. the last stone i did pass i had to go to the E\R. I could not take the pain. did an xray had my kidneys were  full of stones. had them blasted out then had the stent put in for a few weeks. not fun going to take a piss. went to the doc to have the stent removed the doc had me stand up and he pulled out the stent out it felt like you had to go pee real bad. they told me iam not to have any dairy products like milke cheese icecream. my body produces a lot of calcum. thy had a sign at the office that showed what could cause kidney stone tea, coffee, peanuts, chochlet and a few other things. make sure you drink lots of water.

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Offline void909

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2010, 12:58:18 PM »
thanks guys. im in so much pain right now i can feel it in my balls. drugs dont work anymore. i had this done once before and yea it sux. using the bathroom is a test of will with the stint in. the doctors told me not to eat a lot of things and i followed there orders to the T. now 6 years later another stone. the biggest stone for that matter. im at wits end with doctors and with pain right now. next thursday cant come fast enough.
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2010, 01:00:30 PM »
Sometimes, if you call and tell them how much pain you are in, that you can't even sleep anymore (the sleep thing usually gets their attention), it's affecting your home and work life, they will move up your appointment and consider it more emergent.  ;)
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2010, 01:11:26 PM »
Never had one. What's the bad food?

Offline BobbyR

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2010, 07:43:20 PM »
Never had one. What's the bad food?
It is hard to tell. They usually give you this wheel of small cups, you put some piss into it several times a day and record what you eat, they can analyze it to see what is concentrating in the pee.
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2010, 07:50:28 PM »
My wife goes in in a few weeks to have her's removed. She's been dealing with them for many years but the last ones have been about a year or so now. She will be seeing the guy who just melon balled me....let's hope he's more gentle with her than he was with me! My boys are still about 8 different shades!!!


Offline fmctm1sw

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2010, 04:15:56 PM »
Oh man.  Dealt with three of them over the years.  Not fun.  First one was while we were underway on the ship.  Felt like someone had a knife in my side...
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2010, 10:00:30 AM »
Never had Kidney stones but had gall stones for years. Let me tell you, I have had doctors one right after the other tell me that gall stones are the closest thing a guy can have to birthing a baby. Male and female doctors that is. A couple of years ago I went in and had that monster out and they couldn't even do that right. I spent three days in the hospital for something that was supposed to a simple overnight stay. Got one of them buggers lodged in the pancreatic duct and caused all kinds of hell. The year after that I had back surgery on a completely ruptured disc and just three months ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, sleep apnea and have been told I am at extreme risk of heart disease. All this and I am only 35. Pops had his first open heart double bypass at 38 and now a triple bypass at 64 so I am wondering if I am going to do any better than him or worse!

At any rate, hope you feel better and find a permanent solution to the whole thing quickly.

Long life and health my friend!
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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2010, 06:29:52 PM »
my pee pee hurts just reading this!

all my best void. hope you get through this quickly.

sorta brings new meaning to your online name, huh?
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Offline void909

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Re: Kidney Stone!!!!
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2010, 02:07:07 AM »
Thanks Ecosse. Yea I think the name fits more now lol. thanks for the support guys. Ill let yall know what happens.
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