That was quite an adventure!

Folks, don't ever doubt Paulages abilities. From "Hmmm, now it won't start" to a teardown & repair of the carb (all while drifting down the Columbia river) with one rusty, blunt flathead screwdriver that we use to pry open clams!
without beer, people! Do you understand what I'm saying??!?!?!?!
Big props to Rebekkah for being such a good sport, too. Probably
not what she had in mind when you told her we were going to take the boat out for the day....

Although, I don't trust that little gremlin-dog thing she has. It kept glaring at me with it's big, buggy, alien eyes.

I'd guess you were doing about 30mph. I had to really get on the throttle to keep up with you and out boat tops out @ 45. I don't remember which kind of speed pickup you have. I think it's the paddle wheel type, but I have a new pitot tube pickup if it turns out to be that kind. Neither system is terribly accurate.
Eventually you might want to invest in a GPS system. It'll tell you speed (accurately), distance, heading, time, etc... All very handy to calculate how much range you have. As you found out, it's a BIG river and while there are a couple of gas docks, they are few and far between. Plus they rape you on price.
Give me a holler, when you have the carb sorted out. There are lots of cool places I can show you guys.