it occurs to my peabrain ,that the q of paranoia is a bit blurry .eg ,
if someone runs around with a gun in england , i think there would be a much bigger reaction than in usa .so you could say we are more gun paranoid .
if ,as is the case , a rash of cameras are insalled in towns and motorways etc .its not really a problem , but in usa it might be a bigger deal ?
i think each society has sensitivites in different areas depending on thier cultures .
one thing contributing to the usa sensitivity is all the conspiricy based films, from hollywood, seem to based on the usa government .this must have a subconcious effect on a media based society, that encourages distrust and paranoia.
another thing is the litigation that goes on ,that must really encourage distrust and insecurity ,which from what one reads about who can sue whom ,seems quite justifiable .
perhaps sometimes the paranoia is just a state of realistic awareness?
another thing that comes into it is the basic cultural differences between countries , the emotionalism level is quite different between the usa and england .not saying one is better than another , just that free reign being given to emotions can have a paranoia increasing effect .its a yin and yang thing ,it can also increase levels of support and enthusiasm ,which i see in the forums being much higher in the usa than in the uk .the uk tends slightly towards the ''it'll never work'' attitude ...the usa seems to tend towards the ''itll work or if it does 'nt ,its been a bloody good hoot so what the hell''.
i much prefer the latter !:)
regards robert (nomexed up )