i decided to move this post to the front page in the hopes it will help some other newb and that my build thread can be used as a partial go to reference for stupid questions that have been answered numerous times
so i decided to put together a super newb about the newb questions someone who just bought one of these bikes would ask after lurking and looking at cafe threads and stuff
these are all threads i made for myself (

Mostly all of them have pictures or vids

my $12 on stop shop aux fuel tankhttp://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=110782.0make your own timing light!!Vintage Sled Tutorials #7 How to make a timing light for setting pointshow to
change out your starting clutch with the motor in the bike and without breaking down the motor
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=122084.0#lastPost how to
adjust the clutch cable......FML video included
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=103328.msg1156064#msg1156064 how u
rebuild a 550 master cylinder and bleed it without it leaking everywhere; if you want to get the to meat of the bleeding.... pump very slow pulling the lever half ways. if you pump to hard it will start leaking from the opposite end by the handle. i thought i had the wrong MC kit or somthing was put together wrong but i was just bleeding wrong. also the bleeder nipple on the caliper for a cb550 is 7mm
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=106899.msg1195640#msg1195640 these 3 threads are a start on how to
sync ur carbs...... very confusing the first time......
this is just general questions about what the screws do on the carbs that are needed to be adjusted for the synch
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=98410.msg1096026#msg1096026this gives the Drill Bit bench sync thing/theory
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=104196.msg1165264#msg1165264this includes a video of the synch and that the gauge markings dont really mean anything
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=106760.msg1194025#msg1194025also a good note about synching from Dave 500
"good effort getting that engine running,,it sounds ok,the sound fidelity of video on the net is always wrong,,these engines do sound a little rattly though,,as i posted you should be able to wind the idle speed down with that main idle screw and get the engine to go slower and slower untill it stalls,,if you cant do that youll have to repeat the sync,,firstly those sync screws will have to be backed out,,this will lower the slides and shut down the air flow,,you can do it with the engine running,loosen all those sync lock nuts and gradualy but semi evenly back those sync screws out,the idle will start to drop and your sync will start to go out of wack,,as the engine loses idle rpm and gets near a real slow idle wind the main idle screw in untill the idle steadies again,then adjust the sync again,,without raising idle much if you can,,you should be able to get a good sync and wind the idle down enough to stall the engine afterwards,,if you cant when you ride the bike and you try and back off the throttle itll feel like its running with a stuck throttle and wont slow down well,cheers mate."
dave500 is so Australian lawl
coil firing order, in short; coil 1 is cylinder 1 and 4; coil 2 cylinder 2 and 3
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=98395.msg1095838#msg1095838 dual disk brakes? simple right? just get a double banjo and another stock caliper and rotor... nope!
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=88080.msg989960#msg989960 want to fix some big rust holes in your exhaust.... not possible unless you like a tutorial with a beer can
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=88088.msg990019#msg990019 how do you spray bomb/paint
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=94234.msg1049323#msg1049323 want to have the tron tail light? i figured out an exact clone of the tail light and the fleda tail light
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=88085.msg990182#msg990182 want some vintage cafe
tire ideas? period correct ones? or modern ones
also about tire sizeshttp://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=89729.msg1004641#msg1004641Front 3.25 x 19in
Rear 3.75 x 18in
want to know about different carburetor synchronizer to buy?
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=89623.msg1004383#msg1004383 crappy wire harness? build a new one? check this out, it has all the places to buy the vintage connectors too
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=89181.msg1000058#msg1000058 about capacitors, wires, caps, plugs etc etchttp://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=89800.msg1005547#msg1005547 about wires and ohmshttp://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=89878.msg1006386#msg1006386 front and rear sprocket and chain questions, sizes, where to buy, what brandshttp://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=89343.msg1001747#msg1001747 want to get an aftermarket
speedo and tach? there are
ratios...... read
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=90214.msg1009732#msg1009732 do you need that metal tube section on the brake caliper? read this
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=90638.msg1013213#msg1013213 measurements for the D washer if you want to make your ownhttp://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=122144.0 dont know crap about polishing different metals?
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=90793.msg1014871#msg1014871 starter works but makes a weird noise........ (with video)
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=91542.msg1022327#msg1022327this is not my video but this kid does an amazing job showing how to change for seal on cb550
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV5ZkIBtrns#***some things to know......***
master cylinder banjo size 10x1.25
bleeder nipple on the caliper for a cb550 is 7mm
stock gearing front/rear for a cb550 is 17/37
spark plugs NGK 12mm D7EA Spark Plug
if you use NGK caps you need to unscrew the top section of the spark plug

spark plug gaps are .6 mm
spark plug wire splice if you wanna redo the wires from the coils NGK Plug Wire Splicer
spark plug caps are ngk part number XDO5F,stock number 8072
any 7mm wires copper wires will work i used some red NGK
you need 20w fork oil for the forks (i used bell ray)
the motor takes 10w40
fuel line diameter.... i personally use 1/4 its cheap abundant and i cant notice the difference from the metric size (i cant remember what the metric size was)
push/pull throttle tube (Honda OEM part 53141-300-010) but pro motion makes them and there like $10. these throttle tubes are made out of plastic so good chance its bad
best stainless steal bolt kit, only $23.95 best price great quality
http://www.z1enterprises.com/Bolt-Set--Honda-CB550-K-thru-76--Stainless-Steel-Set-293-1146.aspxstock tire sizes and rim
Front 3.25 x 19in
Rear 3.75 x 18in
random not to de grease take off rust very cheap and efficiently. this is quoted from dave500
"mix molasses with water 50/50 and it removes rust and smells like rum,tastes like licorice,soaking for a week does the job mostly,its cheap,you can buy it at farm produce supply places."
great places to buy parts....
www.partsnmore.comwww.bikebandi.comyou would be surprised but
www.amazon.com has some great prices and shipping on parts i got a great deal on stem bearings
www.z1enterprises.comwww.bkrider.com=========THE START OF THE RAW RUSTY RICE VENTI QUAD SHOT CAFE RACING LATTE PROJECT========
ok well im going to do as thorough as a write up as possible keep lots of pics and have lots of fun.
this is my first bike and bike build. i will also list and price out my whole build which most people dont.
any kind of comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
so far i bought my 1975 honda cb550 for $500 150 (parts credit) out the door from sport wheel (sportwheel.com) in Minnesota. this also included $150 in parts credit and a tank swap. my original gas tank was very damaged so i talked the lady into letting me take my time to find the perfect tank so i can swap them out for free.
*** i can honestly say paying $500 150 (parts credit) out the door for this bike was a little more than what i planned on spending. i did take the time to run through craigslist for a good 2 months prior but all the bikes are either showroom conditions in the 4 figures or bikes that are missing engines, having cut frames, no titles, and most bikes where 79 bikes.
i also wanted a 550 and not a 750 because of the extra weight and this is mostly going to be a cities bike with maybe some twisty time. so i figured less weight some more agility was what i was looking for.
so this is my bike when i rolled it off the back of the truck

now like i said this is my first bike so ill point out some newb mistakes i made when negotiating this price.
for 1 the seat was laying next to the bike. so i thought well #$%* this must be the seat for my bike ...... wrong!! so now i need a new seat.
i should have looked under my bike because ....... this is what my exhaust looks like

when the bikes are in the bone yard at sports wheels they are all drained of oil.
the bike did kick over and felt good so when i took it home i poured some oil into the cylinders and let them soak and ran a cold compression test. it was 240 235 230 120
the last cylinder seems bad but it might be just a stuck valve so i will wait to tear down the engine till i actually get the bike started.