Thanks for the compliments guys! Mick, I was originally going to do all the fins but thought that this looked cool and was just enough to break the color up without getting too busy looking. I'll try doing a photoshop of all the fins and see if that changes my mind.
I think I've got the engine just about ready to go back in the frame, just have to swap out some oil seals. I did the clutch cover's today when I installed it. I put in some fresh gaskets and the new hardware today. Check it out.
I don't know if it was because of the aftermarket tappet covers or what but the front four tappet covers wouldn't screw down with the larger allen bolt head there instead of just a screw. I had to grind all of them down slightly to get the clearance. Just an fyi for anyone else who replaces their hardware, everything else fit fine.
EDIT: I ground the tappets, not the bolts. Just to clarify.