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Quote from: FunJimmy on July 15, 2015, 05:51:49 PMpropagandaCurious word choice, FJ? Is it propaganda if they are facts released by multiple sources (though this article only cites one)? Just because it is a right, I personally don't think everyone should own them, and many (even some dolts in this thread) shouldn't carry them. But it is a repeated fact that Permitted Carriers are far more law abiding than police officers nationally, and the "average" citizen.It may be anecdotal evidence, but there is a correlation to the spectre of a gun owner being armed and able to defend himself that might dissuade a would-be intruder or street criminal from chancing their fate. Whatever the side of the debate you're on, there is no disputing the clear facts that gun violence is a major problem in this country.
I don't know any that are, Retro? Are you perhaps confusing registration with background checks? Background checks are required, and have been for quite some time. Many states even require a background check from law enforcement for Private-Private sales.Now, registration opens a whole different can of worms from lots of gun owners.
PM sent, Retro
Retro, it is a part of our culture, it is also part of our history. There is no argument pro or con that will make a difference. Americans are different, no better or worse, we are different. There is no end to this circular argument.
Quote from: BobbyR on July 15, 2015, 07:00:19 PMRetro, it is a part of our culture, it is also part of our history. There is no argument pro or con that will make a difference. Americans are different, no better or worse, we are different. There is no end to this circular argument.I know Bobby, i'm just curious as to the opposition of the registering of all firearms, it happens in most other western countries and it still means you can own a gun if you want, just helps weed out the bad ones, not perfect but better than nothing... Cal, the PM didn't show up mate..
Quote from: Killer Canary on July 14, 2015, 07:03:53 PMYou'd have shot him just for that? You anti-gun nuts need to calm the fcuk down. Don't be hatin' just because your country doesn't have a Second Amendment, get over it! The people shouldn't fear their govt, the govt should fear the people..."Nuts?......calm?.........hatin'?", your the one that thinks he would be justified sticking a pistol in somebody's face for taking a swing at him. Have a good hard look at yourself.And you don't do yourself any favors quoting bumper stickers to justify a neurotic view of your world.I'll let this rest with a quote from my old man when I came home winging about the local copper giving me a touch up after finaly catching me street racing around town. "Don't harp on about your rights, worry about your responsibility's."It's pretty obvious I live in a different world down here, and for that I'm truly thankful.
You'd have shot him just for that?
Is a school kid justified in bringing a firearm to school and using it on another kid, even if he's getting an a$$-kicking?
Background checks can also be bypassed by purchasing at gun shows.
Abusive behavior can go unchecked for years and abusers can present one face to others and another to their victims. It is when they are triggered and out of control they do stupid things. They may be sorry for them but it doesn't excuse their damage or the consequences they need to face.Trust is not easy to rebuild and it can be one of the lost things that is never regained. Some people are not held responsible and that is a mistake. Behavior like this guy does happen overnight. It has developed over time. He has gotten away with it apparently. People like this victimize others. Will he recognize what he did and really change or just be sorry he got caught?He broke his ankle apparently, causing the trip to the hospital.
Quote from: socal1200r on July 15, 2015, 05:06:07 PMAll you American anti-violence nuts are good for comic relief...kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya...whatever dudes...Corrected you, numbnuts.
All you American anti-violence nuts are good for comic relief...kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya...whatever dudes...