yeah it sucks alright,,you have to sort of have an eye as to where they hide,,this looks like an obvious great speed trap type of road sort of thing,,they use tradesmans type vehicles here with ladders on the roof and eveything,cars with bling wheels and even displaying "P" plates (probationary driver,holders of a new license must display these plates,,mostly 18 year olds),anyway,went for a ride today with the little local club,three commandos were with us,man they vibrate when idling,you can see them trying to shake the exhausts off and scattering around on the centre stands.
this crappy phone photo dosent do this bike justice,the owner is a jeweller and every nut and bolt is mirror polished,he dosent spare it though he gets it going along,,the 550 owners will be pleased to know from a standing start i out accellerated all of the commandos to about 60 mph.