Most of you know that I had a disagreement with a city bus.
For those who don't.... I lost the argument, but won the war.
I apparently damaged the bus so bad that they totaled it. The city so far has paid all of my bills (every single one of them) as well as helped me out by paying all of my personal bills as well.
So as long as I'm in therapy and don't have a clean bill of health, they pay for my rent, phone, etc. I'm not one to abuse the system, or look for a handout, but they insisted.
Well, I got a phone call from the District Alderman where I got hit, and he informed me that he was aware that I was cleared by medical to ride a motorcycle.
So without much to do, at 9pm last Thursday, a rollback truck showed up at my shop door with the Aldreman in tow. (get it, in tow... ) Sorry.... not very funny.

And with paperwork in hand this is what they left....

Didn't cost me a dime. And considering the condition my current bike is in, something with close to 60mpg and fuel injection doesn't seem half bad.
It's a 2009 HD 883. Had close to 1000 miles on it when I got it, as well as an aftermarket seat, windshield, forward controls, and luggage rack.
Not something I would automatically go out and buy, but who can complain for free right?
Please excuse the crappy cellphone pics, it literally is spotless.