I ordered my gran turismo grips from JC whitney after seeing a link from this forum and when I went to install them this weekend they basically fell apart for lack of a better phrase. It seems each grip is made in two different pieces; the inside ribbed cushion part, and the outside rubber covering. They are only connected right up by the flange part with a tiny amount of glue. As soon as they were installed and i tried gripping them with any force, the basically spun free and the cover part slipped right off and came free. I'm really glad I wasn't riding down the road when i found this out. SO, I will be sending these back, and just a warning to everyone NOT to purchase these. I was going to post pictures but i left the grips down at the shop, still can tomorrow if anyone is curious. So now the question is, does anyone know where i can get a good set of these grips that wont come apart? Thanks.