KB02 I'm going to order one...
So the mystery of the messed up first gear continues...I'll totally disassemble the cases later this week. Hopefully the other chunk of the broken bit presents its self.
So since the engine cases are filthy I think this is all good that I have to teardown this far. Any suggestions for cleaning them? Would it be worth going to a professional-parts cleaner?
also what do I NEED/should I replace? I think so far (I'm talking in the engine since its apart):
-Piston rings
-Cam-chain tensioner (are there deal to be had on these? They seem pretty expensive)
-all rubber bits (I have the cycle x-complete gasket set)
the maybes?-Transmission bearings? Should I bother? They seem to turn fine and have been sitting in oil for years.
-Primary tensioner?
-Primary chains? Do these wear out commonly? My biek has mystery miles on it...but I'm guessing over 30,000 easy
Here's what I did yesterday. If I had to do this all over again. I would have cleaned the outside of the engine MUCH, MUCH better before ripping it apart...also, so far nothing has seemed too crazy to take apart. I hope the opposite is true.
removed top bolts

Flipped it on a milk crate. Mashed my pinky pretty good in the process

Neutral switch. right?

Bottom bolts out, bagged and tagged

Wasn't too hard to split. tapped it with a rubber mallet at the frame mounts and then it lifted right off.

I really thought the broken bit would be the end of one of the bearing retainers. but this one and the other seem a-OK

Tranny pics. I guess the tranny problem must be hidden in the tranny somewhere...the search continues