I agree with what you are saying Cal with one exception if the religion comes knocking on my door and I politely decline proselytizing and it's pushed I will destroy with humor or other to drive them away for there limits on the other end as well.
Bill the demon.
Bill - I too would agree that you have every right within the confines of your personal space (home or in public) to politely or impolitely invite someone who is imposing their views (political, social, religious, economic) to go pound sand.
That is light years different from what Pope Francis was describing. His point was, the public assailing for the purpose of satire and "provocation" should be considered with far more measured respect.
It is irrational for anyone other than a zealot to respond the way these 2/3 swines in Paris did. It is no different than Occupy Wall Street, Neo-Nazis, Ferguson Looters, Anti-abortionists, etc. They are all zealots and can not tolerate diverse thought or views.
Lumping or labeling these offenders (Paris) as religious zealots does a disservice to the more than 1 billion others who do not share their views. That's my point. It's akin to lumping anyone who owns a gun into the same category as the whack-job who shot up Sandy Hook Elementary, the book in Colorado who shot up a movie theater, etc. Or, characterizing anyone interested in racial equality the same as Louis Farrakhan.
It's not them adult of religion, or the religious. It's the deed of men/women who have
perverted their ideologies to justify hate and rage. I can see no other explanation.