A short but productive session today. First, probably ruled out the MC as the stuck brake problem. Loosened the bleeder and nothing came out. So, no built up pressure as happens from a plugged return hole. Removed one caliper and the wheel was still locked, so it's at least the remaining caliper or both that's stuck. I assume from sitting so long. Final fix will have to wait.
Got the short chrome banjo bolts from goodridge. Bonus detail, they have the heads relieved for a nice look.

The bolts I had were old nasty rusted chromers. Figured since we gotta work on the brakes anyway might as well spruce it up.
I'd ordered a minimal chainguard, a design I had thought of myself, from Carpy. Turns out it won't fit my swingarm. Turns out I've got a K0 swingarm! He didn't seem to know there was a difference in the mount style and spacing. But it is basically what I want for a guard. So I'll get pictures of it for my machinist to make me one out of aluminum. Turns out Carpys is too narrow for my tastes, it's narrower than a 530 ORing chain, so lube would get past it.

On another note, a truly worthless farkle is the chrome breather attached to the hose from the cam cover. Carpy has these for $40 + S&H. Too much even for me (it is chrome after all

) so I googled "CB750 crankcase breather" and found the exact same thing from CB750supply for $12 + S&H. Had to go for it. The filter is a separate piece from the bracket. To give it more substance than simply the snugness of the hose, I drilled the bracket and screwed it ti the filter.

Then I got a longer screw and affixed it to the sprocket cover.

Totally without usefullness, but, cool, IMHO.

Been talking to the proprietors of "Rampfree Trailers". Out of FL. Freight would be $350. But, he has one in a warehouse near here. Hope to see it soon. If it performs as says, and I can load a bike by myself, I will likely buy it.
http://www.rampfree.com/In the meantime, gotta get the brakes freed up.