What kind of luggage rack is that? Are they still being made? Looks cool.
It is a Ventura Luggage System:
http://www.ventura-bike.com/default.aspx They are realy neat. Out of New Zealand, still very much available for K2-K7 and the Fs. That's the answer, here's the story. As I've attempted to do with the theme of this bike, everything has a story.
Even though my bike was a K2, I swapped out many parts with K0 and K1 as I preferred the look, etc. My K2 fender had a crack in it from overloading the more traditional type rack I had on it, during one of the many camping trips me and the wife went on years ago. Knowing that I needed to replace it, I bought an OEM K0 fender, for umpteen $$, I think they are NLA now. The K0 fender is slightly shorter which goes better with the smaller 17" wheel I fitted. It also is drilled for the smaller K0-K1 tail light, which I also wanted. The old original Luggage rack was "racked" (bent) from a fall I'd taken in St Louis. I wanted to replace it with a Ventura as I had that on another bike already.
But as mentioned Ventura only listed them for K2+ (wider base). So I called Ventura and got the owner on the phone and told him what I was doing. At first he said no luck. But I wore him down. He said the CB750 was the first bike they ever made a system for, and maybe he had some old K0/K1 parts "in the wearhouse". He said he'd look and call me back. Sure enough, a few days later he called me back from NZ. Said he had the 2 arms in chrome, and the Sport size platform, also in chrome. That was it, last ones in the Universe, and they were mine.
The "system" idea allows for the quick swapping of the Sport platform (Usually smaller and low grab bar) for the Touring rack, which has a higher bar over which any one of several aerodynamically shaped luggage bags drops and fastens. Release of luggage is a snap, throw it into tent or take in motel. I've got the whole system on my HawkGT (and actually used it several times.)
I was going to use the pieces I got as the template for having a touring rack made. But my current inability to ride has reduced that priority. I'll keep the sport rack to complete the "standard" theme.
Highly recommended for K2+, well built and engineered for sport touring.