No it was playing up from the get go Larry. I dont buy ethanol fuel

Well I have been a bit busy over the last few days getting ready for this years Scrapheap Adventure Ride. I have to ride with Charley's FZwhy250 !!!!
FZR250 with TM250 suspension Front and Rear

Wednesday night I pulled the carbs after the new needles and seats arrived from
While I was in there I pulled the main jets out that is was running the 85 mains, up from the stock 75, but it was too rich
I went to the jet kit I bought and it was missing the 80’s. it had a second set of 75’s then 85, 90, & 95’s. I put the 75’s back in but wasn’t overly happy about that.
I was chatting with a mate Malcolm, who is an old toolmaker and he said he had a full set of number drills and we could drill out the second set to make a set of 80's So I grabbed the jets and headed over. The drills needed were much smaller than he thought.
After 30 minutes of measuring we worked out that 80 jets would be 0.8mm. Off to the engineering shop and bought 2 for $10, when back and Malcolm’s the two bits were different sizes. But we had the 0.8 that we needed.
So out with the pin vice and drilled out the second set of 75’s to create the 80's
All installed and ready to go back into the bike