I'm new to this and hadn't heard of Sirius yet. Hopefully their kit for CB500s is what I need. Something tells me the jets might end up not being big enough, but I guess its a place to start.
My bike:
1972 CB500
velocity stacks
Motowerks GP Yoshi replica exhaust
Here is what the kit has in it:
4 x #115 Main Jets
4 x #120 Main Jets
4 x #125 Main Jets
4 x #85 Jets
16 jets for Keihin Carbs
8 slide needle tuning washers to raise your slide needle
plastic storage case
-Should I order larger jets, or hold off? Will I need to start getting into jets that large?
-What part is the slide needle? What do the slide needle tuning washers from the kit do?
-I understand I might need to order different slow jets. Where do I order these? What sizes should I consider ordering?
I've mentioned in a previous post that I am "carb dumb." Please be patient with me!