So, I've done ~660 km and having few issues.
1. Clutch has started to rattle. Tried some adjustments but eventually it will make the noise again. I read from the forums that this kind of rattle is normal, but damn, it was quiet for few hundred kms after engine rebuild.
2. Small oil leak from right valve cover end cap or somewhere near that. Will take the small cover off and investigate it, I believe there are three possible leak sources - those two O-rings and the bolt that holds the end cover fastening bracket in place.
3. And the BIGGEST issue that is driving me crazy - front brake noise/squeal. To me it seems that the brake piston is not fully retracting and eventually the pads and disc will start to make 'whistling' noise. Really annoying in low speeds and in city traffic.
Pads are always in slight contact with disc and I am unable to adjust the gap between disc and brake. I've tried it event with pushing the in first. No effect at all. Brake pads were the first things I replaced when I got the bike and now I'm running the TRW brake pad set as it was the only set available here.
What I have done so far with the brake:
- rebuilt master cylinder
- replaced piston seal
- replaced all the hoses
- flushed the system and new DOT4 brake fluid
- new diaphragm
- disc 'skimmed' in lathe (thickness now is about 6.4 mm)
- pressure relief passageway in MC cleaned multiple times
- new wheel bearings
And now I'm out of ideas. OK, I didn't 'polish' the inside of brake caliper (where the piston sits), but I cleaned it and the groove where the seal sits in. And piston has 4-5 tiny rust pits that I slightly (locally) sanded. But I've worked on various disc brakes before and these small defects have had no such effect. Is the piston not moving freely or is this issue connected to the brake pads? I still have the old brake pads and will try them on again, even tho they are worn down to the limit...
Oh, one more thing, brake will start to make even louder noise when I heavily bank to the right on low speeds.