The trailer is Galvanized, not much to do there
THE WORST, most stressful afternoon EVER in my boat!!!!!!
The guy says ..yeah I used to pull skiers, parasails etc, etc. What a crock! Were's the choke, why is it stalling, what do you mean I should put it in neutral so I you can pull the slack rope up to jump start.. sand bar what sand bar. UH....THE ONE I SPENT 15 mins explaining to you. %$@$%((&^% 19 inches of water and I was supposed to be having fun..........
His wife kneels on the new seat facing backwards leaning over the top of the the seat, says hit it and the bolts come out!!!! She's all over the back of the boat sprawled every where wondering why? %^#@$& Crap...well there is more room in the boat now.
My wife dislocates her shoulder on the tube. That wasn't much fun. I helped pop that back in and we were pretty much done.
I was so stressed that I got home and actually puked. NICE
Don't ski with drunks!!!!!!!!!!!!