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Go to and search for "My CB750 Book" to find it, then use the checkout code there.

(NOTE: at least $1 from each copy returns to for our site support.)

Several of you have written, asking "What's in the book?". So, here's a thumbnail sketch:
Theory sections: how the carbs, alternator, electrical, and suspension stuff works. Also, there's detail on the oiling principles used in this engine and the drive chain itself, along with notes on Honda's unique rear drive sprockets for these bikes, instead of the generic type we see so much today. (Contact me for details on how to help modify some of today's sprockets, if need be.)
Engine removal, teardown, and reassembly (3 separate chapters).
Engine Inspection (a chapter by itself, noting wear points and what to do about them).
Suspension: how the 750 chassis works, alignments, fixes, steering head bearing replacement, swingarm system information, shocks and their effects, forks and their different types (and how they work and how to tune them). General chassis tuning discussion, too.
Front and rear wheels: bearings, brakes, and improvements, and diagnosis of troubles.
Carburetors: detailed theory on how they work. How to clean them properly, wear points to watch.
Electrical: all of the circuits of the bikes in all versions of the wiring harnesses, broken down into individual functions like Headlight circuit, Starter circuit, etc. How the charging system works (alternator, regulator, and rectifier). Electrical diagnosis and how to find the things that cause trouble (and fix them for good!). How to rebuild the starter solenoid and the handlebar switches. How to add relay(s) to the system to extend the handlebar switch life and generally improve the original electrical performance. How to change the fuseholder(s) to something more modern and more reliable, and where to get all these parts.
Performance improvements: Two chapters-the first is stuff you can do yourself to recover up to 10 of the "lost" HP of the K3 and later engines. The second chapter is about going beyond that, while still preserving a long-lived engine.
Appendixes: General diagnosis, Maintenance schedule, Tuneup, Valve Repairs (minor valve job), Transistorized Ignition installation (mine), cosmetic changes over the years, and Tuneup.
It's written the way I answer folk's questions here at, and arranged more like a "class" on the bikes instead of just a reference manual. You'll be able to use the Index to find things, and if you're rebuilding an engine it will take you step-by-step through the Inspection-build process.
I make a $1 donation to the site for each sold (for all of us and our moderators and web-spinners).
Directly from the publisher:You can get one directly from the publisher (cheapest way) instead, here's the "direct buy" link from are selling it at $99.10 hardcover and $91.50 paperback (8.5" x 11" size). The A4 paperback size is discontinued because during Lulu's server upgrade in 2018 the corrected manuscript for it got lost somehow, and the old one with many errors was reintroduced.
You can also search there, by title, for "
My CB750 book" and it will bring it up in both paperback and hardcover versions. They print it on demand and ship it. Their forte' is on-demand printing of small quantities: when I've ordered in bulk it takes a long time to get them.
A million thanks to all of you for being part of this book! Without you all it would not have happened.