After a couple days and three carb dismounts, I've gotta figure out float height. Before I go into this, I've filled all the carb bowls to see if I've a cracked overflow tube, but they're all good. Also, my floats all seem to move easily without dragging or sticking.
These carbs are PD42Bs off a '78 CB750K, but I'd like your opinion if you've worked on the older carbs, too.
I can't tell from the manual's photo what angle to hold the carb when setting float height, because the photo doesn't match the text. The manual reads, "Remove the float chamber and set the float arm as shown in the Fig. 6-7 so that it
just barely touches the valve and in this position, check the position of the float
with the gauge set vertically (italics mine)." For the gauge to be
set vertically, the carb needs to be upside down or right side up, unlike the manual's photo. So, do you point the main jet to 12 o'clock when setting float height? 3 o'clock? Maybe 1:35?!
Another question is how tight should the float valve fit in its seat? All of my float valves slide in and out of the seat easily. As a result, regardless of how the carb is oriented, the float arm
just barely touches the valve. For instance, when the float is hanging with the carb upright, a portion of the float valve will slide out of the seat (maybe 1/5 its length). Here's a pic of the float valve with the carb as it would be on the bike. Note the float arm is touching the float valve.

If I orient the carb in a more sideways fashion as depicted in the manual's photo, because my float valves slide in their seats, the float arm
just barely touches the valve at a much higher float setting than the 14.5mm required of these carbs.

I'm dreading the answer that my float valve seats are worn, because they weren't included in my Keyster carb rebuild kits, and I can't think of a place where I've seen them for sale. The PD42Bs have a press-in float valve seat unlike the 1970-1976 carbs that had threaded seats. So, I don't expect I can swap out the seats.
Do your float valves slide in the float valve seats like mine in the pics? Or, is it more of a press fit like a press-fit idle/pilot jet?
My weekend has ground to an abrupt halt, so I appreciate any help you can provide!