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Danny will you be doing the Michigan section? I'd be curious of the dates and possibly joining.
is this rally dying slowly????or is it already dead???someone please get PZ moving towards the great lakes area WE WANT TO RIDE
Vermont here. I can do some riding if I need to. I'm ok with solo or groups. I was on the first GZ rally and I'd like to see it get moving along. PM me.
Main Entry: mor·i·bund Pronunciation: \ˈmȯr-ə-(ˌ)bənd, ˈmär-\Function: adjectiveEtymology: Latin moribundus, from mori to die — more at murderDate: circa 17211 : being in the state of dying : approaching death 2 : being in a state of inactivity or obsolescence— mor·i·bun·di·ty \ˌmȯr-ə-ˈbən-də-tē, ˌmär-\ noun