Wes.....send me up to 10 and I'll try to coordinate.
You should be hearing from two or more MN riders but I don't know of one in Western MN to get toward the Twin Cities......from their it is coming my way and depending on the rider and the day of the week I will ride west to meet up and get them to my place.......even if its a day or two early. I have a lot of nice roads to show guests a good time. I think we also have some riders in the LaCross and Madison areas.
Old Scrambler, if you could get the PM's out to your WI crew that would be great. I've sent pms to the Dakotas and MN. I still need to send to the Iowa riders.
here's the Wisconsin list:
Tews19 - WI - Team Northern CONFIRMED
K5owner - Ray - Lawton WI - Team Northern CONFIRMED
Old Scrambler - Dennis - WI - Team Northern Regional Coordinator CONFIRMED
ZanVooden - Dave - Madison WI - CONFIRMED
Leanier - Madison WI - Team Northern CONFIRMED
Johnie - Oshkosk, WI - Team Northern
DB22 - Dave Burch - WI & MN CONFIRMED
rtocco - Madison, WI - Team Northern
skamagedon - Madison WI - Team Northern CONFIRMED
Spikeybike - K-Town , Wi