So I've begin my career working for a large, famous corporation. Been there for almost 3 years.
The company I work for has amazing people, without a doubt. Some of the best people around. This "woman" who I will name "Carol" is someone that I used to get a long with, but for the past 1.5 years, it's been extremely harsh territory. Basically, we have to interact together because she documents my designs, in short.
This person is very passive aggressive. As in, things may be calm and great, and then all of a sudden you are approached and yelled at for doing something wrong, however minor it may be. Sometimes you've done nothing wrong, and it was an error on her part. Sometimes the things you are yelled at for are things that are in her job description. There's a bit of a misalignment with job descriptions which I feel is the crux of the issue.
But anyways, this person is very hostile and aggressive. You can just see her face sweltering with veins. One of those people in which her job is her entire life. Also, she's never been married and she is nearly 50 years old. That probably says a lot right there in trying to build a picture of what this person is.
She's stood up and yelled at me from across the workspace, in front of co-workers a couple of times. I've had a contractor approach me after work and tell me that he's not sure he would want to work here internally because of this treatment. There's been an instance or two where I can overhear her in the workspace talking about me. Just last week, she approached another coworker and yelled at him. I'm the type of guy that it's hard for me to yell at someone. It's just not in my character. My reaction has been to just "take it", smile, and do the best I can.
Being what I consider a "kind" person, I have tried to make amends and be the bigger person. I've tried to initiate a 1-on-1 meeting with her to discuss what's going on, but she blew it off and said her work is more important. I've shared food with her. I've always approached her professionally. But since none of that was working over the course of a year, I've decided there is absolutely nothing I can do but to avoid her, which is a sad way to live in the office. So I've moved my seating to the furthest end of the workspace, and have primarily been communicating with her through email. I've even been considering transferring jobs at several points.
That all ended yesterday. I was approached with hostility, yet again (first time this year) and I decided to tell my manager that it's not working out. I was so shaken that I told him I'm leaving for the rest of the day to get my thoughts back together. My manager approached me twice today and he's been great and is taking this issue very seriously. She's going to be talked to tomorrow by her manager that her behavior has to stop. What surprised me today is that there's been another similar complaint toward her by someone in the office, so it's great to feel that I am not alone. I've even heard from him that her behavior is not "compatible" with her career path. My manager applauded me for not saying anything back to her that would create a catastrophe, but sometimes I felt maybe I should have done that to set up my own boundaries. Oh well, you live and learn.
I'm dead serious in that "Carol" acts like she's on the rag 24/7. My current feelings is that she is still the absolute worst person, ever, in the world.
I post this because I'm going to be updated tomorrow on their conversation. I want to make sure that whatever I say back to my manager that I'm setting up expectations that cannot be broken. This is my one chance to make it right as I don't want to have to bring this issue up again in the future. I know one thing is to fix the job boundaries.
Has anyone else had similar experiences like this?
It just surprises me that someone that's nearly 50 acts like a child.